Chase is still on,
to an indelible dream of mine,
the enchanted place with red roses,
white jasmine, grape vines,
chicky chicks, quaky ducks,
goody goats for good lucks,
and a cow family for mooooos,
and a horsey named Fine,
butterflies fluttering around,
kittens running up and down,
birds chirping on the trees,
parrots sitting in a line,
orphans playing hide and seek,
reading, writing twice a week,
on the grass and under the sky,
Here I do my tasty dine.
Hmmm, you know what, I think ducks are not good pets but I will keep them so the chicken don't feel bad watching other birds flying around and having a feeling like they are the only birds who can't fly. And the ducks can't live without water so there would be a little pool provided for them.
Oh yeah, the cows and their husbands will have a proper place with the farm painted on the wall so they don't feel like misplaced.
You know what I'm going to do with the goats to keep them active, I'll make a stand with the steps on both sides and I'll attach a pulley carrying goat food on it moving from one to the other side. They will know their place to find food.
You course you don't know...let me tell you, that place will have mango, banana, guava, imli, amaltas, papaya, saim and neem trees (not like the fruitless and flowerless trees that SMK has planted all around, even birds don't get attracted). Each tree will have little swings and mirrors hanging on their branches. They also have a right to enjoy their residence. Parrots will love it.
O yeah, the track for horsey will be along with the boundary wall all around and I'm also gonna drive the rickshaw on it. Rickshaw is easy to drive and it doesn't need a wide turn, it turns so easily right on its place. You know once I was driving the car and my brother on the next seat, the truck on the right and the car behind us, all shouted and honked at the same moment, stop...and I stopped on a little grassy patch with my eyes closed. That was my brother's car, we switched the seats and sat quiet till reached home. The next time I peacefully smashed the Park Avenue into a cemetery, that was my other brother's beloved car and he was sitting beside me. He didn't appreciate the idea and again we switched the seats. Then nobody else ever trusted me with their vehicle. But rickshaw is different. You're mostly excused for being a rickshaw driver.
The cats will have the most fun there. Up and down on the slide, climbing the trees, playing with the bugs, catching the birds, chasing the butterflies.
The orphans you mean, yes, they will have room full of fun activities. I have great ideas for that. Also for few elders who are sincere, kind, sensible and patriotic....hmmm, they better be from Punjab because the elders from Punjab are more loving towards nature than the elders from Karachi. They do nothing but love taunting and discouraging others. See, the one from Punjab can be very useful, they have interest in plants and animals and they talk more sensible and read a lot of durood.